To celebrate this together with all of you, we are giving you $1 wanton mee for a limited time.
To qualify for this, please follow the instructions:
1. Go to www.twitter.com, sign up an account if you have not had one.
2. On the top right menu, Go to Find People, and Search @iloveroastduck
3. Click on iloveroastduck, and click Follow
4. Go to Home, and tweet this message: "Check out the crunchy fresh shrimp wanton mee at ONLY $1. Limited Time Only. Find out how you can qualify at http://hongkongroast.blogspot.com/2010/04/how-to-qualify-for-1-wanton-mee.html"
5. Go to http://www.hongkongroast.blogspot.com, sign up with the web form and Submit.
6. You will receive the Promotional Code to your mobile phone.